2021 Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Events You Shouldn’t Miss

Each year we celebrate spring with the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. Inspired by the Japanese cultural tradition of hanami (flower viewing), the festival organizes community-building events to enjoy the blooms. This year, the festival is going virtual with lots of online programming and self-guided activities you can do with your household. Here are seven Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival events you shouldn’t miss this year.
Until further notice, in line with the public health order, non-essential travel into, within, and out of BC is not recommended. BC residents, let’s do our part by continuing to stay small and support local with your immediate household, in accordance with the latest guidelines.
Sakura at Home
The annual fundraiser has turned into an exclusive take-out menu, created by some of Vancouver’s top chefs. Celebrating more of our city’s diversity, this year’s restaurant partners which include: Burdock & Co, Chef Will Lew + Chef Clement Chan, Miku, Salmon n’ Bannock, Wild Origins, and Vij’s.
Guests will learn how to mix the ‘Akebono’ cocktail with Amber Bruce, enjoy Bard on the Beach Artistic Director Christopher Gaze with Festival winning haiku, hear about the drone filming of In Full Bloom from the chief drone pilot Patrick Weir himself, and be first to experience the world premiere of In Full Bloom drone film project.
Soundwalk Dance
Grab some headphones and let Desirée Dunbar’s fun sound file be your guide as you experience the cherry blossoms. Soundwalk Dance is an immersive movement experience that will help you discover your inner artist and connect with nature.
Virtual Tree Walks
The Tree Talks and Walks guided blossom tours are one of the most popular events at the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. This year, you can take a virtual tree walk from your home, enjoying broadcasts of the blooms. Poet Sally Ito has also put together a self-guided walking tour of blooms in the Marpole neighbourhood. Each stop is paired with a haiku.

Haiku Invitational
Get ready to count your syllables: The Haiku Invitational competition runs from March 1 to June 1, 2021. The online contest awards prizes in six main categories: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, United States, International, and Youth. If you’re new to this style of short poem, the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival website has tips to get you started with your first haiku.
BC Blossom Photo Watch
Submit your best blossom pics to the festival’s online BC Blossom Photo Watch virtual mosaic photo collage. Head to the website to see the mosaic come to life, or use #VCBFx2021 on social media to share your pink and white blossom shots.

BLOOM! for Kids
Elementary school teachers and kids learning from home can use the BLOOM! video education resource to incorporate the cherry blossom festival into their curriculum. Learn about Japanese cultural traditions in spring, the history of Vancouver’s cherry trees, cherry tree botany, haiku, and more.
Short Film: In Full Bloom
Premiering at the end of April, In Full Bloom celebrates the beauty of cherry blossoms in Vancouver. Using the latest technology, drones and stabilized cameras take you on a calming scenic flight through the blooms.
Neighbourhood Blossom Map
Each year the festival updates a huge interactive neighbourhood blossom map that shows which trees are currently blooming. With over 50 different cultivars flowering at nearly 2700 locations, the map is the best way to find cherry blossoms. You can sort by festival favourites (best for photographers), by expected bloom date, or just browse the map to see what’s nearby.

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