
“Representing more than 3,000 businesses, the BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association (BCRFA) develops the membership to do together for the industry what cannot be done individually.”
The BCRFA is committed to helping their members grow and protect their businesses. We specifically focus on certain areas vital to business success:
Cost Savings: We endeavor to negotiate best prices on services essential to your profitability.
Advocacy: Ultimately, as a member, you will be more informed and more confident knowing that key issues are being represented on your behalf.
Marketing & Events: Twitter, Facebook, BC Restaurant News, Tourism BC - we have the marketing tools & events that pay.
Business Knowledge: Community town-hall meetings, advisories, and free subscriptions help keep you informed and engaged in industry, which is vital to your success.
Our mission is to promote, protect, educate and be the representative voice of its members and the British Columbia foodservice industry. With over 40 years of leadership, the BCRFA is the foremost advocate and resource for our industry, ensuring long term dynamic growth within B.C.
View our industry magazine at http://www.bcrfa.com/bc-restaurant-news
Getting here
Hang tight, determining walk score...
Grade: ~ out of 100