Alliance for Arts and Culture

100 - 938 Howe St Vancouver BC V6Z 1N9

Business hours


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM






The membership of the Alliance for Arts and Culture includes more than 300 organizations, social profit groups, professional associations, and individual artists reflecting the diversity of creative interests in Metro Vancouver.

Since 1986 the Alliance has been a unified voice and advocate for the arts, providing professional development, support and other services to the artistic, cultural and heritage communities.

The Alliance offers a number of professional development workshops throughout the year, and produces or helps organize special events such as The Mayor’s Arts Awards, an annual Arts Summit, Canada Culture Days and A Day At The Legislature.

The benefits of membership include access to a group benefits and medical plan, a weekly media release broadcast service to more than 500 Metro Vancouver media contacts, special rates on rental of the Alliance’s boardroom in downtown Vancouver, and free job and call for artists postings on our website.

Becoming a member of the Alliance, as an individual or organization, is about creating and being part of a diverse community that crosses disciplines and even sectors.

What we have in common is a belief and a vision.

We imagine a society that places the highest value on arts, culture and heritage and their contribution to all facets of life.

We imagine a society that demonstrates a rich arts and cultural infrastructure with broad and diverse support, and which nurtures creativity and diversity.

In joining the Alliance we all become advocates for the arts, including the community–based, professional, social profit and for-profit sectors.

We invite you to find the level of membership that works best for you, and join us in realizing the society we imagine.

100 - 938 Howe St Vancouver BC V6Z 1N9

Getting here

Hang tight, determining walk score...

Grade: ~ out of 100

Places to eat

Places to stay