Vancouver Pride 2020 Will Go Ahead as a Virtual Reimagining!

May 19, 2020
By Destination Vancouver
2 min read

Pride is both protest and party, critical and celebratory, and an absolute core of Vancouver’s essence. For 2020, Vancouver Pride Society has reimaged Pride celebrations by going virtual!

Vancouver Pride Society (VPS) has released its July event line-up for Virtual Pride 2020. Highlights include a Virtual Pride Parade Live Stream, Public Disco, Pride Ball, Drag Story Time, and Symphonic Pride: Pride & the Vancouver Symphony.

“I am excited about our new collaborations this season,” says Andrea Arnot, Executive Director of VPS, “We are partnering with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra to bring you a variety talent show extravaganza and with the Vancouver Writers Festival to produce a queer Writers Showcase.” VPS will also be producing events that delve into LGBTQAI2S+ history in Vancouver. “Now people from all over the world can tune into Vancouver Pride festivities and events. Pride can not be cancelled, only reimagined.”

Alongside the announcement for a virtual Pride 2020, VPS also announced a new brand identity, website, and app, with the help of Carter Hales Design Lab. The new branding serves to capture the visual identity of Vancouver Pride. The full website and app will be available from June 1, 2020, but for now, you can read their Story of Change.

About Vancouver Pride Society: Vancouver Pride Society brings together members of LGBTQAI2S+ communities, their friends, allies and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of LGBTQAI2S+ communities by producing quality, inclusive events such as the Pride Parade and Festivals.

Vancouver Pride 2020
virtual Pride
Vancouver Pride Society
online Pride events
Pride celebration
LGBTQ+ events
virtual reimagining