Bare it all on the SkyTrain: No Pants SkyTrain Ride is back, Jan 10

January 4, 2016
By Remy Scalza
3 min read

Official SkyTrain rules prohibit eating or drinking on trains and discourage listening to loud music. But they don’t say anything about wearing pants.

The No Pants SkyTrain Ride returns to Vancouver, Sunday, Jan. 10. This is the seventh Vancouver instalment of the annual happening, which sees hundreds of Vancouverites drop their pants on select SkyTrain routes, all in the name of comedy.

The event is part of global de-pantsing on mass transit around the world and is organized by an international improv comedy group called Improv Everywhere. This year, upward of 400 brave commuters in Vancouver are expected to bare it all on what may be the biggest No Pants SkyTrain Ride ever.

Photo credit: GoToVan | Flickr

Photo credit: GoToVan | Flickr

So how does it all work? Riders willing to disrobe gather at designated SkyTrain stations, where you can get a group photo taken with your fellow pranksters. At the appointed hour, everyone boards the SkyTrain, waits for the doors to close and then – in casual fashion – stands up and removes their pants. According to event instructions, if anyone asks why you’ve undressed, you’re to tell them you were “getting uncomfortable.” You then proceed to zip your way across Vancouver pants-less.

The official route for this year’s event is being kept secret for the moment. (Updates will be posted on the Improv Anywhere website and Facebook page as the date of the ride approaches.) Last year’s ride started at the Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain Station, on Broadway and Commercial Drive. This year, the ride is scheduled to kick off at 2:30 p.m. sharp at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Photo credit: GoToVan | Flickr

Photo credit: GoToVan | Flickr

Last but not least, there is one important requirement (well, aside from being willing to get undressed in public). You have to keep a straight face about the whole thing. Part of the gag is that you’re supposed to act like it’s perfectly normal to drop your pants on mass transit.

For more details, visit the Vancouver Improv Anywhere website.

No Pants SkyTrain Ride
Improv Everywhere
SkyTrain event
comedy event
public transit
annual event
Jan 10