1600 Pandas+ World Tour in Canada on exhibit at Metropolis at Metrotown from July 10 to August 8, 2018

June 25, 2018
By Destination Vancouver
2 min read

After being showcased around the world in over 100 exhibits, the world-class art installation of 888 papier-mâché pandas by French artist Paulo Grangeon is making its first North American appearance at Metropolis at Metrotown from July 10 until August 8, 2018.

Metropolis at Metrotown, consulting curator AllRightsReserved Ltd., and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada proudly present the exhibit 1600 Pandas+ World Tour in Canada to raise awareness of wildlife conservation, pandas and sustainability. All proceeds from this exhibit will be donated to WWF Canada to fund wildlife conservation research and education.

Prior to the exhibit opening, there will be a number of Panda Flash Mobs during the week of July 2nd for locals and tourists to enjoy. The Panda Flash Mobs will take place around Vancouver – follow www.facebook.com/1600pandasplusca and Metropolis at Metrotown’s social media accounts to find out where the pandas will pop up! Hint: one location will be in front of the Olympic cauldron at Jack Poole Plaza on July 5th.

1600 Pandas+ World Tour in Canada will open on July 10th at 10:00AM in Grand Court at Metropolis at Metrotown, with artist Paulo Grangeon on hand for the official opening. The exhibition will feature various activities including a selfie station, contests including a chance to win a trip for four to see the pandas at the Calgary Zoo, and panda adoption.

Visitors who would like to adopt a papier-mâché panda can pre-register at the exhibit by donating to WWF Canada and will be able to pick up their panda after the exhibit concludes.

Visitors can share their experience through posts, photos, and videos using the hashtag #1600Pandas+CA for a chance to win a weekly panda prize pack which includes panda swag and a $50 Metropolis gift card.

The 1600 Pandas World Tour was first launched in 2008 by the WWF and acclaimed French artist Paulo Grangeon, who handcrafted 1,600 papier-mâché pandas— the number of living pandas left in the wild at that time — with recycled materials.

1600 Pandas+
World Tour
Metropolis at Metrotown
Paulo Grangeon
art installation
papier-mâché pandas
North American exhibit