
Resources Travel Marketing is an excellent online resource for visitors and they also produce two printed guides.
The Vancouver Pride Society is the organizing body behind the annual Vancouver Pride Parade, Sunset Beach Festival and Market and approximately 20 events throughout the summer months. The organization was established on the international stage as a leader in organizing grassroots community events on a large scale.
Traveling while transgender, and unsure of your rights when it comes to flights and transportation crossings? This article from Expedia’s Karen DeJarnettes a thorough resource for non-binary or transitioning folk and for allies.
Get the local scoop! Inside Vancouver is an award-winning, multi-author blog written by locals about Vancouver. Get an insider’s view of the city, discover what’s up-and-coming and learn about Vancouver's lesser-known happenings.
Community Resources
Vancouver’s LGBTQ2+ community is welcoming and robust, offering resources for both Vancouverites and those visiting the city. Below are a just a handful of the organizations, groups and services dedicated to supporting the community.
AIDS Vancouver – Offers access to quality healthcare for people affected by HIV/AIDS, along with support and education programs, and a food bank.
A Loving Spoonful - A volunteer-driven, non-partisan Society that provides free, nutritious meals to people living with HIV/AIDS in Greater Vancouver.
Daily Xtra – Canadian LGBTQ2IA news outlet with dedicated Vancouver coverage.
HIM (Health Initiative for Men) – An agency dedicated to strengthening the health and well-being of gay men.
Out On Screen – Dedicated to “illuminating, celebrating and advancing queer lives through film, education and dialogue,” this group offers youth support, in-school education, and runs the annual Queer Film Festival.
PFLAG Vancouver – An environment for parents who meet, talk, and ensure their gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender children can live with dignity and respect.
QMUNITY – A queer resource centre offering access to social services and programs for queer individuals, their families and friends, including online resources.
Rainbow Refugee - A Vancouver-based community group that supports and advocates for people seeking refugee protection because of persecution based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status.
Sher Vancouver - A social, cultural, and support group for LGBTQ2+ South Asians and their friends, families, and allies.
Vancouver Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence - An order of 21st century queer nuns who welcome a broad spectrum of genders, sexual orientations and religious/spiritual traditions.
Pinoy Pride Vancouver - A community group for Filipino-Canadian LGBTQs, families, friends and supporters.
Salaam Queer Muslim Community - An organization dedicated to Muslims who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual/ transgender and or intersex, as well as those questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, their families and friends.
Kids Help Phone – (1-800-668-6868) A toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling to young people in Canada
The Crisis Centre – (604-872-3311) Free emotional support for youth, adults and seniors in distress, 24 hours a day.