It's entertaining, artful and delicious. Teppanyaki is an unforgettable experience perfect for friends, family gatherings and also ideal for exciting business parties.
The first distinctive feature of our fine Japanese cuisine is its emphasis on the natural flavor of fresh ingredients. In the nation, where the arrangement of flowers is an art, the chef's cooking skill is rivaled only by his artist's eyes in the arrangement of food. The supreme pleasure for such a man is the serving of a guest who can appreciate this skill which takes so many years to perfect.
Reservations are required.
Let us pamper you in the age-old Japanese tradition, and most of all, enjoy.
Yokohama Japanese Teppanyaki Restaurant since 1970.
Cuisine typesJapanese
- Takeout
- Delivery
- Dine-in
- Serves lunch
- Serves dinner
- Serves wine
- Serves dessert
- Wheelchair accessible
140-12251 No 1 Rd Richmond BC V7E 1T6
Getting here
Hang tight, determining walk score...
Grade: ~ out of 100