Tourism jobs will be front and centre on TV! go2HR – BC’s tourism human resource association – has secured advertising spots on Global TV to promote jobs in BC’s tourism industry. Until March 3, these ads are on Global BC and BC 1 and the campaign is estimated to earn at least 620,000 impressions across BC!


How do you take advantage of this amount of exposure? Post on go2HR’s free, tourism-only job board! The ads are directing viewers to visit the go2HR Job Board. In addition, go2HR are running digital ads on social media to amplify this campaign. This would be the perfect opportunity to increase awareness for your company and recruit for your summer or permanent positions.


Posting jobs on the go2HR Job Board is easy. Create a user account and company profile (if you don’t have one already), and simply follow this step-by-step video. go2HR also put together some tips on creating effective job postings. Jobs are published automatically on the job board so you can do this anytime you want.


If you are screaming for staff, let go2HR help spread the word. We’re very excited about this opportunity, so post your jobs today!


To learn more about this campaign or if you need help with the job board, contact go2HR at




If you are screaming for staff, @go2HR can help you spread the word. From Feb. 11-Mar. 3, they have secured TV advertising spots on Global BC & BC 1 to promote #BCTourism jobs on @go2jobboard. Post yours today & reach job seekers:


Hiring? Take advantage of @go2HR's upcoming TV promotion! They have placed ads on Global BC to point viewers to visit their #BCTourism-exclusive @go2jobboard until March 3, estimated to earn at least 620,000 impressions across BC!


Get your #job openings seen by job seekers all over BC by posting your jobs with @go2jobboard, up front and centre on TV these next few weeks! @go2HR has secured ad spots with Global BC to promote jobs in #BCTourism. Learn how to get involved:




Employers, if you are screaming for staff, take advantage of go2HR’s TV campaign to promote #BCTourism jobs! They have secured advertising spots on Global BC and BC 1, running from Feb. 11 – Mar. 3 and estimated to earn at least 620,000 impressions across BC! The ads point viewers to the go2HR Job Board, where your openings will be seen by job seekers all over the province. Learn more and post your jobs today:

Tourism jobs will be front and centre on TV! go2HR – BC’s tourism human resource association – has secured advertising spots on Global TV to promote jobs in BC’s tourism industry. Until March 3, these ads are on Global BC and BC 1 and the campaign is estimated to earn at least 620,000 impressions across BC!


How do you take advantage of this amount of exposure? Post on go2HR’s free, tourism-only job board! The ads are directing viewers to visit the go2HR Job Board. In addition, go2HR are running digital ads on social media to amplify this campaign. This would be the perfect opportunity to increase awareness for your company and recruit for your summer or permanent positions.


Posting jobs on the go2HR Job Board is easy. Create a user account and company profile (if you don’t have one already), and simply follow this step-by-step video. go2HR also put together some tips on creating effective job postings. Jobs are published automatically on the job board so you can do this anytime you want.


If you are screaming for staff, let go2HR help spread the word. We’re very excited about this opportunity, so post your jobs today!


To learn more about this campaign or if you need help with the job board, contact go2HR at




If you are screaming for staff, @go2HR can help you spread the word. From Feb. 11-Mar. 3, they have secured TV advertising spots on Global BC & BC 1 to promote #BCTourism jobs on @go2jobboard. Post yours today & reach job seekers:


Hiring? Take advantage of @go2HR's upcoming TV promotion! They have placed ads on Global BC to point viewers to visit their #BCTourism-exclusive @go2jobboard until March 3, estimated to earn at least 620,000 impressions across BC!


Get your #job openings seen by job seekers all over BC by posting your jobs with @go2jobboard, up front and centre on TV these next few weeks! @go2HR has secured ad spots with Global BC to promote jobs in #BCTourism. Learn how to get involved:




Employers, if you are screaming for staff, take advantage of go2HR’s TV campaign to promote #BCTourism jobs! They have secured advertising spots on Global BC and BC 1, running from Feb. 11 – Mar. 3 and estimated to earn at least 620,000 impressions across BC! The ads point viewers to the go2HR Job Board, where your openings will be seen by job seekers all over the province. Learn more and post your jobs today: