Marpole Business Association
- 201-8623 Granville Street
- Vancouver, BC V6P 5A2
- Phone: 604.418.8232
The Marpole Business Association BIA was formed in the Spring of 2000. The MBA is the successor organization to the Marpole Business and Landlords Association, in existence since the 1970's.
Membership is determined by geographic location in the Marpole commercial district. If you own a commercial property or a business located along Granville Street between 3rd and 71st Avenues, you are automatically a member of the Marpole Business Association.
Membership dues are paid through the annual property taxes remitted to the City of Vancouver, and vary according to the property's size and assessed value.
Auxiliary membership is also available, for those businesses or interested non-profit or community groups located in the Marpole community. Auxiliary membership dues are $100 per annum, which includes all member communication materials, participation in Association events and the AGM. Auxiliary membership does not include voting rights.
Annual Association expenditures include street banners, decorative flower containers and seasonal flower/plant replacement, street cleaning through our partnership with the Coast Foundation, promotions and marketing programs, including the annual Marpole Summerfest event in July, member communication materials, and other projects designed to improve and enhance the interests of our members and the community.
The Marpole Business Association's mission is to maintain and enhance the Marpole commercial district as a place to live, work, shop and have fun in a comfortable, pedestrian-friendly, neighbourhood environment by developing and initiating pro-active and innovative programs in concert with our members, the city and the community.
The MBA's vision is to develop, promote and enhance the Marpole commercial district as a vibrant, comfortable and fun neighbourhood shopping area that exists as the bustling gateway into Vancouver.