Vancouver TheatreSports League presents Western World
- April 6, 2017 - May 27, 2017
- Recurring weekly on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
- Location: Vancouver TheatreSports League
- Address:
- 1502 Duranleau Street
- Vancouver, BC V6H 3S4
- Phone: 604-738-7013
- Contact: Box Office
Vancouver TheatreSports'™ improvisers will demonstrate their lightning fast wit as they play the 'Hosts' to our audience 'Guests' in Western World – an improvised parody inspired by the popular TV series Westworld.
Each night features a totally new 'episode' under the watchful eye and guiding mind of Robert (sometimes Roberta) Ford. Guests begin their Western World adventure with an orientation. "Who are these hosts? What roles do they play?" are just some of the many questions that only VTSL's esteemed Guests can answer. Throughout the show Guests help craft the storyline that becomes the basis for the second half of the show. In this artificial world of improvised comedy anything can, and will, happen.
If things get too out of hand, Ford can always step in with "Stop all motor functions" and hit the reset button. Even if you have never seen Westworld, VTSL's Western World will be filled with enough western movie clichés and quick-thinking action to ensure an evening of 'laughs without limits.'
Show Schedule
April 6 - May 27, 2017
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm
Tickets: Available at the Vancouver TheatreSports League box office, online, and at Tickets Tonight.
Venue: Vancouver TheatreSports League (Granville Island)
For more information please visit
1502 Duranleau Street